Saturday, June 24, 2006


This blog presents my opinions. If you do not agree with those opinions that does not make mine wrong and yours right. Same goes for your opinions. They are yours and if I don't agree with them that doesn't make you wrong and me right. Get it? We simply don't agree. That doesn't make me a dickhead, an asshole, or any other name you may feel like calling me. It simply means that our opinions do not match. If my opinions get your dander up and you feel like venting about it, then start your own blog and make your opinions known. Please don't harass me, threaten me, or post your hatred to my blog. There will never be a world where every human agrees with every other human until we get to heaven. So until we get to heaven don't expect that your angry responses to my posts will change anything. If we can't agree, then we'll just have to live with disagreement.

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