Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Is Al Gore's Movie Scientific Nonsense?

What can I say? I have always been a good steward over the land that we live upon. I support anti-pollution legislation when it is needed. I also would love to see more fuel efficient motor vehicles or even vehicles that could run without ever having to use any fossil fuels. Burning of coal to produce electricity could be a thing of the past if we would support valuable scientific research. I’m afraid however that many scientists are caught up in the nonsense that is global warming right now and don’t seem to have any time for such things as fuel efficiency or our ability to find replacements for our fossil fuel dependency. Maybe I’m wrong, but apparently global warming has become so important that our very lives are endangered and New York, Florida, California, and other coastal states are about to be swallowed up by the sea. If this is indeed imminent, then I would understand our scientists having no time for such silliness as mentioned.

I have recently been involved in a back and forth online “discussion” concerning global warming and the movie that Al Gore has “invented”. (I don’t know whether invented is correct here or not and I’m sure that someone will remind me that the word invented was “invented” by Al Gore, but that he didn’t directly invent it but was only involved in it’s inception and that he won awards and the love of many as he “invented” it. Pun certainly intended.) Anyway, On June 27th two articles appeared in the news. One declared that scientist gave Al Gore’s movie 5 stars for accuracy. The second story basically debunks the claims of the other article. The first story goes on to say that 100 scientists were contacted either by phone or email. That is a very leading sentence. It doesn’t say that all 100 responded to this contact and as a matter of fact the article only cites 19 scientists actually making any comment.
One of the “scientists” was apparently a good friend of Al Gore’s and for no other reason I have to believe his statements might be a bit jaded at best. The article included the following lines: “Robert Corell, chairman of the worldwide Arctic Climate Impact Assessment group of scientists, read the book and saw Gore give the slideshow presentation that is woven throughout the documentary. "I sat there and I'm amazed at how thorough and accurate," Corell said. "After the presentation I said, 'Al, I'm absolutely blown away. There's a lot of details you could get wrong.' ... I could find no error."

Let me dissect this statement just a little. The first part of the quote says, “I sat there and I'm amazed at how thorough and accurate,”. That’s it! Does anyone see exactly what is so thorough and accurate and what Al’s old buddy was so amazed about? What did the rest of this statement really say? How about, “….. those craftsmen were who built this wonderful chair.” So the full sentence would look like this. “I sat there and I'm amazed at how thorough and accurate those craftsmen were who built this wonderful chair.” Maybe that sounds totally stupid to you if you are an Al Gore fanboy, but if an author leaves an open ended statement like this in their article, then they have to expect the reader to fill in the blanks. You’ll no doubt argue that what he was talking about was the accuracy of Al Gore’s facts in the movie. Why would you be right to assume that and I would be wrong to assume he was referring to the chairs and their craftsmen? This type of open ended statement fits perfectly into an article about global warming. Since there are no genuine “facts” to base this whole argument upon, the open ended statement fits right in.

The second part of the statement ends with another open ended statement. “There's a lot of details you could get wrong.' ... I could find no error." Note that between the word wrong’ and I there is a lot of ……. before he says, “I could find no error.” That means there is something missing within that space. What if the blanks should have included the words, “As far as the way you spelled your name in the credits,”. That would say nothing about any “facts” pertaining to global warming or anything else. The complete statement would then say, “There's a lot of details you could get wrong. As far as the way you spelled your name in the credits, I could find no error." Once again, leaving an open ended statement in any article completely ends any credibility the article could have had. This article says nothing and all because the author left these blanks in the middle of “quotations”. Quotations are supposed to be exact words that the person being quoted has said. This article, being ambiguous at best, provides no ammunition for those on the side of Al Gore and the “science” of his global warming movie. As a matter of fact, it gives the opposition reason to doubt the movie represented any “facts” at all.

The articles referred to are at:


Saturday, June 24, 2006


This blog presents my opinions. If you do not agree with those opinions that does not make mine wrong and yours right. Same goes for your opinions. They are yours and if I don't agree with them that doesn't make you wrong and me right. Get it? We simply don't agree. That doesn't make me a dickhead, an asshole, or any other name you may feel like calling me. It simply means that our opinions do not match. If my opinions get your dander up and you feel like venting about it, then start your own blog and make your opinions known. Please don't harass me, threaten me, or post your hatred to my blog. There will never be a world where every human agrees with every other human until we get to heaven. So until we get to heaven don't expect that your angry responses to my posts will change anything. If we can't agree, then we'll just have to live with disagreement.

Thursday, June 22, 2006






I am watching the news in the background tonight and I hear headlines saying something stupid like, "Most Americans now feel that the war in Iraq is wrong". The newscaster says the growing number of anti-war gatherings is proof of this! What in the hell is going on here? Of course this is on CBS News, and as far as I am concerned they are probably one of the largest clearing houses of liberal bullshit in the USA. But for them to say that growing anti war protests is proof tht most of Americans feel the war was/is wrong is really stretching it. Why does every single action that includes the military get compared to Viet Nam anyway? Maybe it's because there isn't any news unless they make it into news and everything that went on TV during Viet Nam made for big news. New Orleans is about to get hit by a devastating hurricane with calculated deaths reaching 50,000, and that takes number 2 to the story about Americans feeling the war is wrong.

I've said before that I was an A-1 war protestor in the old days, but that was after a war had been going on for over ten years and there was no end in sight with the USA walking away with a victory in any sense of the word. There had been 50,000 American deaths by then in Viet Nam and it really was time to turn around and walk away, even though we were trying to keep the advance of communism and tyranny at bay. What's going on in Iraq is truly a noble venture. Saddam killed hundreds of thousands of people and dumped them in holes in the desert. He made women hide behind veils or they would be physically punished. Females were not allowed to go to school or hold jobs. This was serious inhumanity taking place and even though some people don't think it is any of our business, it is. Then there's the weapons of mass destruction argument. Would you rather have waited until there was a dirty bomb exploded in one of our major cities before you would be convinced tha they were there? The UN had given Saddam plenty of time to move, hide, or do whatever else he wanted to do with those things, but you can damn sure believe they were there, unless you are ignorant enough to believe what NBC has told you that they were never there in the first place. Having seen the proof numerous times, you'd have to be a real idiot to believe there was never anything there. Don't you remember the UN inspection teams that reported the WMD over and over?

So what reason do you have for suddenly wanting to take part in anti war protests? Do you want to be cool like the hippies were in the old days? Are you so bored that there isn't something else you could be doing with your time? Are you moved by the one mother who denied her son the honor of serving his country to a point that suddenly every soldier is a fool and you know what's good for them while they don't? I just don't get it. We could withdraw our troops immediately and watch Iraq fall right back into the same mess it was in before. Why the hell should we care anyway? Who cares if they have a bunch of uneducated stupid women with veils over their faces? Who cares if thousands are kiled because they aren't from the same sect as the people in power? Why should we lose men and women so that other country in the sand can get away with things like that? Bring all of our service members back here and let's all just sit back and wait for the terrorist attacks to start up. Let's wait for the dirty bombs to explode in New York or Chicago or where ever else they want to take them. Let's quit wasting the time of these people who are going to war and let's just close the military. Let someone else worry about that simple crap. Then you won't have to spend your busy day tearing apart our country from within.

Do you realize that all across the world the news is showing the USA as a country divided? They see that "most of Americans feel the war..is wrong" and watch as what looks like millions of us going to military bases and on street corners everywhere protesting our government because the news says so. So what if they see us as a weak nation full of people who don't trust their government? I just feel good that I'm not one of those morons on the TV screen. I wouldn't want a bunch of terrorists watching me doing something like that and feeling like they are making headway in their war against the infidels. When they do decide to attack our nation, I hope you realize that they won't make any distinction between you who are protesting and those who aren't. To them, we are all the enemy. If we leave ourselves unprotected, then we all die together. Is that your goal?

Old Hippies - New Wannabe Hippies Converge On Crawford


Hey! I'm just on vacation so leave me alone! Why in the world should President Bush stop whatever he is doing to answer rhetorical questions posed by a grieving mom? Why should her nonsensical story get 22,000 news hits in a couple of days? Where did all of these hippies come from?

I am a former hippy. I was a war protestor in the late '60's and early '70's. I protested a war in Viet Nam that was over a decade old and was getting nowhere. We did some good over there, but the time had come for things to end in Viet Nam. The humanitarian efforts made by soldiers serving in Viet Nam were rarely if ever recognized. That wasn't sensational enough for the news of the day. So what makes one woman in a sorrowful situation big news now? Well, I think there are too many leftover hippies and new wannabe hippy emulators with nothing better to do than copy what had been done by Viet Nam war protestors over thirty years ago. They don't know the facts. They haven't been there to see what is or isn't going on, but they will damn sure tell you it's time for this thing in Iraq to end. Ask them why and most won't have a clue. It's just something they've heard and then decided to believe in the "cause du jour" because they haven't anything better to do.

I think I may have paid the price for my protesting back in the '70's. I was drafted in the very last draft. I had felt that it was my government's way of getting the last laugh on a dirty hippy. I got a phone call one day from a girl who had been in my brother's classes at school who saw my name and felt she should warn me that I was about to be drafted. It may have been an easy choice for some hippies to turn and run straight north to Canada. It pisses me off to this day to think that all of those people got pardons for doing just that while others served and died. I however , despite my strong anti-war convictions was and am a patriotic American and regardless of my beliefs at the time had one more powerful belief. That is that if called upon, I will defend the honor and glory of my country at any cost. So not only did I go into the Army, I enlisted for an extra year.

Why would somebody do something like that? Simple answer, I was told about a way to stay out of Viet Nam while still answering my call to duty. The USA was ending the draft right after this "final "draft in late 1972. Everyone who entered the Army after that was going to be part of the all new VOLAR, the VOLunteer ARmy. That's right, every person who entered active duty after November of 1972 was a volunteer. THAT MEANS THAT NOBODY WHO HAS SERVED SINCE THEN HAS BEEN "FORCED" TO DO ANYTHING!

Every person entering the service does so as a volunteer. There are many reasons people join up. Some try to work toward that all too expensive education, a benefit that has been given to service members and veterans for years under the GI Bill. Some go to avoid jail. I had 7 guys in Basic Training with me that faced the ultimatum of joining the service or going to jail. Some go because they need to become part of a disciplined society. It has usually been decided by a parent that they haven't been able to make anything of their lives on their own. But way too many Americans forget that some people do join the military because they are patriotic Americans who feel a duty to serve their nation. Every single person in the military right now is there with the possibility facing them that they will be going to a foreign nation to defend our way of life. It may not make sense that they are doing it thousands of miles from home, but if those priciples are trampled "over there", then eventually we will have to face it over here. We defend a way of life that protects freedom. We defend a way of life that allows us to say whatever we want to say in public. This does not give us the right to be right though. Sometimes saying what we think is the right thing is ill conceived or just plain wrong. This is the case in Crawford, Texas and where ever else in this country that people have gathered to support a lady's protected freedom of speech, even if that speech spits in the face of every soldier who has given their life protecting those rights.

The honor of a mother's son is being swept aside and now old hippies and some wannabe new hippies have something to protest. That son joined the service of his own free will. He joined, hopefully, because he felt a patriotic duty. He maybe wanted to keep our way of life free. He paid the ultimate sacrifice by giving his life in the defense and honor of his country. Now his mother has taken away that dignity by discounting the death of her own son and trivializing it by making it her own "personal problem". It's no longer about her son giving his life. It's all about what the president and this country "owe" her. How selfish. I feel her pain. I can easily empathize and I truly do sympatize, but this isn't really about her and what she thinks we as a country owe her. It seems to me that like many people in the beginning of a grief process who have a need to blame somebody, this woman has chosen the president to blame. Now we have to hear the most ridiculous rhetorical question of, "Why aren't your daughters over in Iraq Mr. President?"! It's very simple folks. They didn't volunteer to join the service. It doesn't make them any less patriotic. It certainly doesn't qualify the president as being the right person to blame for the loss of a soldier's life. That soldier joined the service knowing full well that he may one day face combat in defense of this country and the principles for which this country stand. He was not killed because the Bush girls did not accompany him to Iraq!

There are too many problems in this world right now, and taking a stand behind a grieving mother who in her pain asked a stupid rhetorical question of the president just isn't going to solve any of those problems. It won't bring back the life of the soldiers who died in combat. It will not make any senators or congressmen feel so bad that they will go home and force their children to join the service. It will not end this poor woman's grief. It's just something to occupy the minds and time of a bunch of otherwise purposeless people who apparently have way too much tinme on their hands. Leave the president in peace in Crawford, Texas. You wouldn't want people bothering you on your vacation to ask you a question that really has no "right" answer would you? If you really want to be upset about something, go ask the oil companies why gas has risen in price by over 50 cents in the last ten days. If you really want to make a difference, then go volunteer a few hours at the hospital in your community. Go give a pint of blood. Go read at your local school. Just go do something that might have an outcome that is real. If all you are really after is trying to make my president and my country look weak and uncaring, then go the hell to Canada where the rest of the protestors who didn't really want to make a difference in our country went last time protesting a war was cool.


Bush Was Right - The Video

Check out this video on YouTube.com. It's called "Bush Was Right" and it's by the band "The Right Brothers". I'm so disgusted by all of the negativity going on in the news media these days that it's refreshing to see that someone else thinks the same way as I do. Support the Right Brothers by visiting their website at: therightbothers.com
Here is the link to the video:
Bush Was Right

Monday, June 05, 2006


I heard about a major fuss being raised by a woman on the radio today who went and got herself pregnant. Then she wasn’t able to get a speedy birth control pill to force a period and terminate the pregnancy. Then she apparently couldn’t find any abortion doctors anywhere and she said it was making her crazy. What a terrible thing to happen to a person. It made me so sad to hear her gripping story, especially when she revealed the reasons for her accumulated problems. It was all George W. Bush’s fault!

I couldn’t believe my ears. This woman was blaming George Bush for all of these problems that would have very simply never even happened if she just kept her pants on. She said she and her husband had a little alone time and since it happened so quickly she just didn’t have time to think about these things. Of course that makes it the president’s fault. When a person isn’t able to think quickly, there must be some sort of a protection clause in the constitution that makes all of your problems the fault of the current president. This woman was dead serious, and felt she had a right to complain publicly about her plight. One of the larger news services even provided her with an online forum to discuss her awful story.

Much to the surprise of this bitter woman, many if not most of the respondents were telling her she could have simply gone to Planned Parenthood to get everything she needed to solve her problem in any of the stages of her panic. What she was blaming the president for not providing for her was readily available to her right in her own neighborhood. There never was any reason for her to panic or blame anyone other than herself. Of course the president had nothing to do with any of this mess. It was the simple mind of this woman that caused all of her problems. If any thoughtful person took one minute to think through each step of this nonsense, they would see that each step had a simple solution. So why was this even a news story in the first place?

If you look at any newspaper, news program on TV, or any online news service, you will see that basically everything that is happening in the world today is somehow George W. Bush’s fault. What’s even sadder is that so many people are taking this seriously. I can see where some folks might want to blame the current administration when any political issue that relates to them goes wrong. They probably feel that if their guy had been elected instead that this thing would never had happened. This seems to go along with most political arguments, but forgetting to use proper birth control methods, doing poorly in school, not finding the highest paying job when you are looking for employment, a neighbor painting their house bright pink, and problems that go on ad nauseum somehow being the fault of the current administration or heaven forbid one single man – it’s ridiculous. But this is where our nation and perhaps the entire world stands right now. Everybody is blaming George W. Bush for everything.

There is a very simple explanation for this phenomenon. President Bush is a Republican. The Democrat Party wants to be in the Whitehouse in 2008. There is an old quote that says, “If you can’t say something good about yourself to get people on your side, then say something bad about the other guy”. Say something bad enough about someone often enough, and then even if it isn’t true you’ll convince enough people to believe it is true. President Thomas Jefferson said basically the same thing over 200 years ago. He said something like, “There is nothing so ridiculous, that if repeated often enough, does not begin to sound like the truth”. This is exactly what is happening. The push is to make everything sound as if though the president and his administration are directly responsible for every single thing in this world that is going wrong. The popularity numbers of the president back that all up right now. People are actually falling for this nonsense and are blaming Mr. Bush for whatever is going wrong in their life. This woman’s pregnancy issue is a sad testimony as to how far this thing has gone.

Allow me to remind everyone that both the Congress and the Senate need to vote on just about everything that happens as a result of a government. The president does not have an absolute power in this country and certainly not in the entire world. He does represent an entire mighty nation, but the way many of you people are beginning to think, it’s a shame that you represent the people of that nation. We vote to elect our government. We have the choice to retain those officials at each election. Will we continue to blame one person for all of our woes from now on? I sure hope not. Maybe the Democrats will succeed in this next election and get the Republicans out of the Whitehouse, but will we still be a nation of proud Americans or have we become a nation of people who know little more than blame and hate?

Start thinking for yourselves. Quit blaming someone else for the results of your actions. If you get pregnant, waste too many days to act in time for a magic birth control pill, and then panic and can’t find an abortion doctor, take a breath and work it out. George W. Bush didn’t have anything to do with it honey.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

May Day - Betray Your Nation Today

I am getting more and more disgusted every day as I hear news reports telling me I should hate the current administration and George Bush in particular. What is it that President Bush has done? Is it the war? Any other time we've had a war during any presidency the economists have praised the current president. Of course we all know that a war does the economy good. Billions of dollars are spent to keep a war going and this war is by no means an exception. In this modern age we have so much more technology to use to fight a war and that technology costs a fortune. In WWII it was simple to point and shoot whether it was a rifle or a tank. Bombs just dropped straight down and if the bombadier was lucky he hit his target. Today the smart bombs do the work. They have cameras that line up the target and the missles don't quit until they are right on the money. Soldiers wear night vision goggles and can see in the dark. They wear bullet proof clothing and helmets that keep the enemies bullets from having a full impact. All of this costs money, and as long as a war drags on it calls for more and more money to be spent. So why are people mad about that?

Companies in Kansas, Conneticut, South Carolina, California, and Wisconsin are among the fifteen places where M 16 rifles and thir components are manufactured. Another company reports profits of over 80 million dollars since they began to supply the US Army with night vision equipment. Think of how many people are employed and making a living because their products supply the war effort. The billions of dollars that are being spent end up paying the very people that are being told to hate the war and the president. You might be one of those people. Do you really think it would be a smart thing to do to push for an end to a war that pays your bills? Imagine how many other people in this country are being paid in some way for providing either a small part or a major part in the war effort. Maybe you didn't even think of this before. You may just make ink pens or something like that and you never realized that even soldiers have to write things down. Wars make our economy grow.

Maybe the news tells us to hate our country and the president because they have a grander plan. Perhaps they are part of one of those secret societies like the Illuminati that run the nation from the dark background. There are so many conspiracy theories out there that to some people sound like pure trash, but to others sound like the real deal. Would it be so hard to belive that the big three news agencies are all wrapped up in one of these socieities? Maybe they all want us to fall into their spell so we follow thier plan like lemmings once they get everything in place. If you think about it, you never hear any valid reason why we should hate the president. Sure there's the No WMD cheer. Michael Moore led the cheering squad with his movie to get scores of people wondering. "What if he's right?", we all wondered. Both sides of the aisle were in strong support of action in Iraq when it all started. Check the records. Democrats as well as Republicans came out with very strong language to support taking military action. Only now do the Democrats act like they never had anything to do with it. It's in the public records though that they were in support of this thing. Those Dems even went so far as to say the reason was WMD. So why are they all changing their minds now? DO they have a promise of power if this secret society takes over?

Is it really smart that we are allowing acts of sedition to take place on the nightly news? Here is the Wikipedia definition of sedition: Sedition is a deprecated term of law to refer to non-overt conduct such as speech and organization that is deemed by the legal authority as tending toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often included subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. I see the incitement of discontent every night on the news and in the daily newspapers. Why this outcry against our president and his administration? Is there a concerted effort to bring our nation to it's knees? I don't think I ever heard so much talk about the president's "approval rating" during any other president's administration. It's parroted every day in the media as if it was the most important fact of our lives. Why is that so important anyway if it can be easily manipulated by the reporting of the "news"? What are they trying to do? Why do they have so much power over people's minds?

I've heard that the war we're in was all because of our desire to control oil flowing from the Mid-East. The current rise in oil prices is all the fault of George Bush if you listen to the media. Forget the fact that after many years of doing nothing but being poor, many of a couple billion Chinese people are finally driving cars. I don't suppose their newfound need for gasoline would have a single thing to do with increased fuel consumption. Places that never had roads suddenly have not only roads, but car lots, gas stations, car washes, and millions of drivers. Back when these people didn't have cars or drive them there was plenty of gas available. It stands to reason that if you add a couple million and maybe a half billion new consumers, that available gas is no longer as available as it used to be. Suppliers can no longer keep up with demand once those extra consumers ahve come along, so it makes perfect sense that prices go up. How in the hell is George Bush responsible for that? Do you buy tons of cheaply made Chinese products every day? Seems to me you are the cause of the raise in gas prices. You've paid those former poor Chinese people and now they can afford to buy cars and gasoline to run those cars. If you didn't buy those cheap trinkets they would still be poor and wouldn't need any gas. The prices would remain low and plenty would be available. But of course if the news media tells you it's George Bush's fault, you believe them.

Finally we get to the illegal alien situation. In your own private groups you bitch and complain about "those damn illegals" taking jobs and weakening our economy. If you're a Democrat you may even be a loyal unionist and "by God we can't let those people take jobs away from Americans" is what you would be thinking. But if the news media makes you believe that George Bush and his administration are being mean and cold hearted by hating immigrants, particularly hispanics, then all of that goes away and suddenly it's fine for illegal aliens to enter our country. Understand the word "illegal" according to Wikipedia: Illegal, or unlawful, describes that which is either prohibited or not authorized by law. In general, conduct is made illegal by statute, rule, or regulation. There are laws in place that make it illegal for people to enter this country without following those very laws. Just because an illegal alien has been here for a while does not mean they are exempt from the law. I am sick and tired of people saying, "They take jobs that nobody else will do." That's the most ridiculous argument in existence. The menial jobs that are taken by illegal aliens are the result of somone taking advantage of these people. Rather than pay a decent wage to someone who would be willing to accept the job, the employer demeans an illegal alien by paying him minimal wages. These employers are the biggest supporters of keeping things the way they are. They would rather hire a couple illegals at a couple dollars an hour than pay someone else a decent wage and medical insurance. The employer saves a lot of money, thereby pocketing a lot more money. Wake up and smell the coffee folks. Those moneymakers are the loudest voice behind the protests.

Welcome to all of the immigrants who come to this great country by following the laws and who seek citizenship. If on the other hand you are here illegally, then you have nothing to be upset about. You have broken the law. If the government makes it possible for you to become citizens legally then please take advantage of it. But you will quickly realize that those guys who are happy to hire you now and pay you meager wages will throw you out in a heartbeat once you have become a legal tax paying American. In the end, don't blame President Bush for the borders closing. Blame terrorists who would cross those borders too easily in order to kill Americans. The laws considering immigration were not made to piss off people who broke the law and then thopught they should automatically be considered legal citizens. They were made to keep people from entering our country illegally. That's all there is to it. Enter legally and you have no problems.

In the name of "supporting" immigrants these people who are calling upon Americans to hate their president are now asking us to leave our jobs on May 1, commonly known as May Day in communist countries, to come together in protest. The aim of this protest is supposedly going to "close down America" for a day as everyone will walk away from their jobs and basically just stop living for the day to prove that sending illegal immigrants back to their own countries is wrong. Forget the fact that they have all broken federal laws and committed a felony. These fools believe that everybody is going to not buy anything from any store, or buy gas from any gas station, or even go to school.Doing this is supposed to increase our awareness that there are 11 million immigrants who are here illegally and will be sent away. I think the idea was hatched with the belief that without illegal immigrants, none of these jobs could be done. How in the hell do they believe that 11 million illegals make this country run? This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I can understand that many places are filled in by very hard working immigrants, but to think that the nation could not function without these 11 million is totally insane. I'm afraid to say that anyone who falls for this nonsense and gives up their own life for the one day with the belief that it will have any positive effect is crazy. We are a nation of over 295 million people. To truly believe that the entire nation would cease to be able to operate without the 11 million illegals is beyond insane. The people represented are appreciated, but to use those immigrants as pawns in their war to degrade this president and this nation is much worse than sedition, it's betrayal.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


That isn't really so hard to say. It may be politically incorrect right now to support President Bush, but I am an American and I'm not going to cut and run just because the news media says I should. This is the United States of America first and foremost, and I think too many of you have forgotten that. Do you think it is smart to try and separate the peoples of this nation while there are enemies watching? I sure dont'. I don't want those other people to think that we as a country are so split on our ideals that we are weak and susceptible to an attack. We just got done doing a drill where two teams with fake documents and enough radioactive material to build a dirty bomb were able to breach both of our borders and get into a major city. Do we want those enemies to believe that we are so split that we aren't able to come to the agreement that we need to protect our country anymore? Wake up you fools who are being led by the nose. If we don't stay banded together as a country, then we appear to those enemies to be falling apart.

Our very way of living may be soon coming to an end if we fight between ourselves to a point that we appear weak to the circling buzzards. Those other guys will surely take advantage of that. With Iran on the brink of being able to produce an atomic bomb or at the very least a dirty bomb that could be smuggled into our country we should be ever more diligent. We can't do that if we are so busy calling each other names and fighting amongst ourselves that we let our guard down. Yes we are a country with two major political parties, but more importantly, we are a nation of one people. Is it so damn important to one of those parties to get a president into the Whitehouse that they would jeaopardize our entire nation by tearing us apart? Apparently so. That party is supporting the news media in ever increasing attacks on the ability, personality, and every other aspect of our president in order to tear down our confidence in him as a leader. When this whole mess in Iraq started we were all as one in supporting it. Both sides of the senate and congress came forward with words of encouragement and support. Now all of a sudden half of those leaders are besmearching the president on every angle. They are attacking him and trying to get we the people to doubt his integrity. Why? Well if you can't win by proving how good you are, you make the other guy lose by making everyone believe he is no good. In other words, they are taking the cowards way out, or in this case in. In to the Whitehouse if they succeed.

There is a rumor circulating today that says we are about to lead an attack on Iran due to their ignoring of the world telling them they can't produce atomic power. Whether this is true or not, you as an American need to ask yourself, "If they do succeed in producing atomic power and subsequently an atomic bomb or a dirty bomb, will I blame the president if he does take action or if he doesn't take action?" He's in the hot seat no matter what he does, because the one party that is causing all of this hate in our country will tell you to put him in the hot seat. Are you going to be satisfied when the dirty bombs end up in the major city near you? Are you going to be satisfied with your actions then? If we all don't support our president, who just happens to represent all of us according to the desires of the people (election results), then will you have the right to blame him for whatever happens?

There was a quote on a Fax cover sheet where I worked. There was a picture of two teams having a tug o' war on a very small island. The island was so small that no matter which team won the battle, when both sides let go they would all fall into the ocean full of sharks below. On the sheet it said, "If we all don't stand together, then we'll all fall together." That's the truth of this whole thing right now. If we don't all stand together as a nation of people, then we may all end up dying together. I for one don't like the latter. I'll choose to support the president, his decisions, his armed forces, and our constitution until the day I die because above all, I am an American. Are you?



Two young black guys walk up to each other on the street. One says to the other, “What’s up my nigga?” A little black girl who overheard the two men runs to her mother who is at a picnic table near by and in a rather disturbed and excited voice says, “Mama! I just heard a man call another man the “N” word!” The mother responds with, “That’s awful baby. It’s probably some ignorant white man who grew up thinking all black people are niggers.” The daughter gasps at the thought of her mother using the “N” word, but then replies, “But mama, they’re both black men.” “Oh it’s okay then baby.” The mother replies, “ Black people use the word nigga when they are talking to each other.” The little girl stares at her mother, the confusion is obvious on her face. She thinks about how she is being told in school and in Sunday school that saying the “N” word is never right. She just can’t figure out why now her mama is telling her it is okay.

How many times a day does a similar conversation possibly take place? What is it we should be teaching our children? Is it really ever okay to use the word nigger or even nigga? Is nigga just a way of justifying what is actually unacceptable behavior? Think how confused this little girl was. Think how confused so many other children are when they hear people calling other people that name even though they are being taught to never use the word.

I grew up in the late ‘50’s and early ‘60’s. I witnessed some of the worst times in racial prejudice in history. The end of an era was coming about just then. The “Blacks Only” toilets and restaurants were slowly dwindling away. Black folks were finally being allowed to ride on public transportation without having to either stand up or go to the “rear of the bus”. Civil Rights were changing an old fashioned way of doing things that had been wrong for over 100 years and were finally being set right. The word Negro, which was the main descriptive of the black race was being phased out and black people were looking for a term that restored pride and integrity to their race. Black. That became the most widely accepted term back then. There was also Afro-American, but for some black folks who had never known Africa as home it just didn’t catch on. So for whatever reason, Black was the term most people used from then on to describe anyone of the Negro race. Negro itself was not a derogatory term, but it was too close to the word nigger for comfort to most black people.

I was a hippy by most people’s standards. I had long hair and dressed in the hippy uniform, which was bell bottom blue jeans and tie dyed t-shirts for the most part. We were in the “age of awareness” and grasped on to many ideals that before then had seemed way too far from the norms of society. We believed that nobody should ever be discriminated against because of their skin color or ethnic origin. We embraced what we called “oneness” which to us meant that everybody was equal no matter what. People of the norm called us socialists for believing that everyone had the right to getting the same as everyone else got, but that seemed fair to us at the time. There were people who weren’t allowed to drink from the same water faucets as white people simply because they were black! They had to use separate toilets, shop in separate stores, eat at separate restaurants, learn in separate schools, and many other separations were the norm. This “movement” of hippies and other “free thinkers” thought it was time for all of that to end. This era marked the end of the word nigger.

I belonged to many social groups back then. We met to discuss current affairs, current politics, civil rights, the war in Viet Nam, and other things that interested us. We felt there was someplace for our voices to be heard in all of these things and we took actions based on that. We started an underground newspaper where we had an outlet to express our opinions. We worked to have the voting and drinking ages lowered to reflect our opinion that if a person was old enough to be sent off to war where he might die defending the honor of his country, then he ought to be considered old enough to participate in the voting and drinking. Both of these things were changed. We discussed how we could get involved in civil rights. It wasn’t just a struggle of black people trying to make things right, it was everyone in society needing to realize that it had been wrong all along and everyone should be part of the change. We marched in civil rights marches, anti-war marches, and participated in rallies of all sorts with the hopes of affecting change. Many changes were made.

One of the most important steps we made back then was bridging the racial gaps. There had been polarity in every aspect of life while our generation was growing up. The separation of white and black was the most major of these polarizations. An attempt to force schools to integrate was met with a great deal of opposition at first. There were a lot of racial stereotype barriers to break down. These barriers had been in place for many years. Anyone reading this has to be honest for a minute here and think about something. We as children are taught by our parents to be racist to a degree. We are simply following the leads that our parents have given us to follow. They had learned the same type of racism from their parents, and the basic norm in their society conformed to these learned racial stereotypes. It’s hard to admit to some of the things we learned and even practiced as we grew up. This is true for both whites and blacks as well as every other race. Even in our segregated schools we learned certain racism. When integration came about, many of us were simply reflecting the racism that we had been taught and brought up with. A perfect example has to do with a close relative. He had been verbally racist in the presence of his young son. After all, it was something that was prevalent in his society in home as well as in his school and community. His young son was out on the porch one day watching a moving van being unloaded a couple houses down. A little boy walked over from the house where the furniture was being moved in and sat down next to the boy who had been watching. From inside the home, the father heard this conversation, “Hi.” said the new kid. “Hi” said the other kid. The new kid sat down on the porch next to the other boy. The boy said, “You’re a nigger aren’t you?” The new kid said, “I think so.” To that the kid said, “Then I don’t think I can play with you because my dad says we don’t like niggers.”. The new kid got up to walk away, “See you.”. The other kid replied, “See you”. What do you suppose the little black boy went home and said to his parents? Can you see how it might affect future tensions in that neighborhood? The close relative was horrified. It occurred to him that his own racial behavior had affected his young boy. The kids were totally innocent. They had no idea that nigger was a derogatory name. To them it was just a descriptive that had been learned. The relative tried to explain to his son that it was a bad thing to say nigger, but since he himself had used the word so often in front of his child in a way that wasn’t probably expressed as a bad thing, the child picked it up as a normal word in every day vocabulary. How many of us are guilty of this?

Anyway, back to my hippy days. Along with the underground newspaper, the other social groups, the parades and protests, the marches, and whatever else was cool at the moment, I began to stretch out by changing the face of my direct circle of influence. In other words, I found some friends that were black. In our little home town there were two distinct neighborhood types. Those were the white neighborhoods and the black neighborhood. Nearly every single black person in our town lived in a single subdivision. The racial stereotypes kept them separate. White people feared that if a black person moved into their neighborhood that the property values would drop and they would lose everything they had planned their future on. So when I showed up with a black kid as a friend a lot of heads turned. In my neighborhood it scared people that a black kid was around. In his neighborhood he would get called an Uncle Tom for hanging around with a white kid. It was something that was so new that people didn’t know how to react. It bothered me a great deal to think that people were so close minded and set in their ways. There were a lot of past racial learned behaviors to overcome.

We sat around in a group one day discussing racism and what we could do to get rid of it once and for all. I suppose most thinkers dream of Utopia, the place where everything is perfect and nothing is wrong. We talked about a day when racism wouldn’t exist any more. This would be difficult as long as there were separate races. Separate races would always have that internally learned racism that we had all grown up with. What seemed then like the ideal way to end racism was to create the Gray Race. The American College Dictionary defines gray as; a shade between, or mixture of, black and white. Simply put, if the races all blended there could no longer be any distinctions. Of course this would mean every race would need to blend, not just black and white, but Asians, Middle - Easterners, Hispanics, and every other race that exists. We knew very well that this would never be a possibility in our lifetimes, but it could feasibly happen over the long haul. Back then when I was a hippy of about 15-19 years old, I knew of only one mixed race couple in our whole home town. There was a white woman and a black man who lived in a house that would have been considered as the border of the black and white neighborhood. This couple was basically shunned by both sides of the line. Being that this was in 1966, it was just one of those things that people couldn’t grasp.

It seems funny now to look back at how we felt about mixed couples back then, but it is still thought of as taboo by many of the older folks who are alive now. Back in their day it just wasn’t acceptable, and even now they can’t get past it. My daughter is married to a black man. When my parents found out she was pregnant by a black man in 1995 their reaction was one of horror. My dad insisted that she should have an abortion immediately. My mother was shocked into silence. It was beyond their learned ability to accept the reality of a mixed race couple and the resulting mixed race baby. When I told them that I was supportive of my daughter’s choice they were both angry. They were going by what they had learned and by what they thought they had taught me. This just simply couldn’t be happening. My mother had had been dealt a mean racial card at a job in Chicago that she had. When a new boss came in who was black, it appeared that she was replacing her entire staff with other black people. Eventually it was my mother’s turn to be fired and replaced, and it was more than my mother could handle. She became much more hatefully racial than she had ever been and particularly she was not very fond of black people after this incident. I thought this was going to turn into a disowning type of deal where my parents were going to divorce them selves from my life and the life of my daughter for doing such a thing as accepting a black man into our family.

When my grandson was born I was the typical proud grandparent. I must have taken a thousand photos and was sending them to everyone I knew. I believe it made my parents nervous. I think they were afraid of what their friends might think if they realized that their granddaughter was having a child by a black man. I got the impression that they didn’t want me to let any mutual acquaintances or family members know that we had black in the family. Then they came to visit. My mom said the minute she picked that baby up and held him she felt all of her racial hatred melt away. This was a baby, not a nigger. This was her granddaughter’s first child and he was beautiful. My mom said it took her holding him in her arms to make her realize that this wasn’t a bad thing. There was no reason to feel any prejudice toward a helpless unknowing child. This was just a baby and who could hate a baby? This was a day of awareness.

Now back to the gray race thing. Here in my own family is a gray child. Actually there are two now. They are among what is a growing number in our society today. When my parents first came out to see the first gray grandson we went out to eat at a popular seafood restaurant. As my father looked around he noticed there we about 15 mixed race couples in the restaurant. He asked me if this was something that was common in our city. My reply to him was that if he would open his eyes a little more, he would see that it is common in pretty much every city. Of course my parents now live in a retirement community that is populated by those old white folks I talked about earlier who were still clinging to their old learned behavior, and they probably all looked around with the same blind eye. Maybe within their direct community everyone is white, but if they were to venture out a little way they would surely see that mixed race couples are common even where they live. My dad said that after they went back to their retirement community and did venture out a little way they did indeed see a number of mixed couples. He was surprised that it was happening everywhere. The point here is that our dream from nearly 40 years ago was actually beginning to happen, even in my lifetime!

My one grandson is 9 years old. I can see where he has confusion sometimes with his identity. His dad is bringing him up as a black man would raise his child. What else would he do? He knows what it is to be black and that’s all he knows. At the same time I see where his mom is bringing him up as a white woman would raise her child. It must be confusing for a child from a mixed race couple to not be able to identify with both parents. Society isn’t ready for this yet. Society sees a color and then acts accordingly. For all intents and purposes, and since he appears to be black, my grandson is most probably seen and treated as a black person. I talk to him from time to time and we talk about him being a gray kid. As he grows up he is going to face new prejudices that neither of his parents could have ever understood. He is gray, so when it comes time for him to interact with other children, does he interact with white kids or black kids? When it’s time for him to date and fall in love, does he date white kids or black kids? Is society ready to handle something like this? It’s hard to say. Remember those prejudices that our parents pass on to us as we grow up? They may not realize they are even doing it, like that close relative of mine whose little boy innocently called a little black kid a nigger. What will people see when my little gray grandson comes over to see their daughter?

In his school it is not such an isolated thing. There are many mixed race kids and I’m guessing that to all of the kids in their generation, the distinction is invisible. They just see another little kid and I doubt that color means anything to them. Children have an innocence about them that will remain until they are taught to believe otherwise. If their parents are prejudiced they will eventually learn that prejudice. If not, then the innocence remains. I would hope that in my own situation that my grandchildren would remain innocent since the ignorance has been removed from three generations and they are the fourth. I’m pretty sure that as long as they don’t listen to too much racist based television or music that they will remain in the innocent category. This may prove to be tricky in our world today.

All you have to do is listen to a few rap songs to hear that the words nigga and nigger are far from disappearing. To me that is a real shame. I often hear black activists complain that the words are still prevalent in our society, but I never hear them condemn the very music that explodes with those words on a daily basis. With the words being thrown around so loosely and little kids being with their parents while that music is on, there is little doubt that these children will hear the words nigga, or as far as they know nigger, being used multiple times every day. So what is the message we are sending to kids? Is it that we should never use the “N” word, except in music?!? How does that make any sense at all to a little kid? It doesn’t. It’s ridiculous for anyone to think that the use of the “N” word will ever disappear as long as those kids are subjected to it a hundred times a day. It’s one of the major road blocks in the current racial education of our children today. As long as the word is going to be thrown around in music and movies every day, then it is crazy to think that we will ever get our kids to not use it. I consider it the biggest hurdle to killing racism today.

I have watched countless times as rap musicians and other predominant black performers explained that the word “nigga” is not a bad word. To them, they explain, it is a word used while speaking to other black people to designate their friendship. Bullshit. That’s a pretty lame excuse to continue the use of the word. I’ve watched and heard as they have explained that it is fine for any black person to use the word, but that white people should never utter the word or it would be a reason to kick their ass. Why would that be if the word isn’t offensive? The explanation is in itself racist. If the word is not acceptable for use by everyone, then it is offensive to everyone. Justifying it by putting any kind of acceptance on it is wrong. If we truly want to see the end of the word nigger in our lifetime or in the future of our children, then the use of that word in any form needs to end right now.

The same thing stands to reason for all other offensive ethnic names. I grew up in Chicagoland and always thought it was the melting pot of the world. You could walk one block and be in a totally different ethnic neighborhood. It would change from German, to Polish, to Lithuanian, to Chinese, to Italian, and on and on and on. There would always be at least one offensive ethnic slur to match each nationality. Is it any less offensive to continue to use those other slurs every day while we tiptoe around the “N” word? NO! Yet there are comedians using ethnic slurs as part of their routines as casually as using the word funny. It’s just plain wrong. Racism isn’t just about black and white. It’s about every ethnicity represented under the American flag. It doesn’t end there either. It’s about every ethnicity under every flag in the world. If we continue to use ethnic slurs, even under the guise of comedy, we continue to keep those slurs alive and in the front of peoples’ minds. It may be hard to tell a joke without sticking one slur or more into the joke, but if we expect racism to go away under any other circumstances, then we just have to work a little harder to make a joke funny. It’s not funny to any ethnic group if they are the butt of the joke. I don’t even feel comfortable listing the various ethnic slurs to make a point so I won’t, but it shouldn’t be funny to replace the “N” word with another racial slur to make a joke. It shouldn’t be easy to use any racial slur for any reason. The whole point of this thing is that it’s time to quit using racial slurs and to come together as one race, the human race. The color or origin of a person shouldn’t make any difference, but as long as we continue to “accept” racial slurs in music, movies, comedy, or any other situation in our lives, we will never escape racism.

Are you a racist? You’ll need to ask yourself that every time you support racism by listening to a CD that features racist lyrics. You’ll need to remember that every time you laugh at a racial joke. When you support a movie that makes light of racism or uses ethnic slurs to make an impact that isn’t educational or that edifies the entire audience, you should ask yourself why. Why am I laughing at a racial slur? Why am I letting my kids listen to music that contains ethnic slurs? Why am I using a racial slur in front of my kids or other peoples’ kids? Ask yourself if you are a racist. If you’re not, then why are you not doing something about it?

Greetings! I'm back for an update. I now have another Gray baby in my life. My third mixed grandson was born 4 months ago. I am the grandfather of 5 grandsons and couldn't be any prouder. I had hoped for a granddaughter this time and my daughter had actually been trying for that so I could spoil a little girl, but that just wasn't the way it was going to be. I love my 5 grandsons with all of my heart. Help me to be able to bring them up in a racism free world. Kill the "N" word. Don't let it live on in rap music. I saw a story today where rap artisits are going to head up a program to do this very thing. I am so happy to hear that. Here is a link to the story. Please support this effort!

Sunday, March 26, 2006


I was just thinking about adding something to a website about what I was doing on 9-11-01. I was supposed to fly out of Chicago that morning, but had to stay an extra 7 days waiting for the airports to reopen. I had never given it much thought that I might have been in the air on a plane that was going to be flown into a building that day. Anyway, when I went to one of the websites that I thought might be a place to leave my remembrance on, I had chest pains! The bullshit that was written on that site made me nearly pass out!

Why? Simple. The website was apparently a bunch of people that I would call ANYTHING BUT GOOD AMERICANS! This whiny bunch of socialist chickenshit bastards were putting down comments like, "I will remember this as the day that bush started to try and take over the world.", and "It's when bush and his cohorts let this horror happen." What the hell are these people thinking? Do they not realize that thousands of people died that morning without ever thinking anything about politics and such bullshit? Do these morons truly believe that my president and their president had anything to do with this infamous act of cowardice? I simply can not believe that anyone would stoop so low as to place blame for the attacks of 9-11 on anyone other than terrorists. Yet these ignorant people, one right after another blame the president for the deaths and attrocities of 9-11. They go on to say such things as Mr. Bush has gone on to kill 100,000+ people since that day! Where do they come up with such crap?

Well I will not stand for it. I am a proud American citizen who takes my country very seriously. That means every single person in this country. We are not a country that is separated into two different unions. We are one people, regardless of our political party of choice. I am getting real sick of Democrats bitching that they have somehow been treated unfairly in any and every political situation in this country. They cry about "fixed elections" since they lost the presidential election in 2000. They still want to belive the conspiracy theory that the election was lost based upon the "hanging chads" in Florida. Get a grip you crying sissies. There is only one winner in every contest. I know that the way children are being educated in this country these days makes it very hard for you to understand this, since you think that every child should be rewarded for simply trying and that nobody should be recognized as a winner, but the truth of the reality is that there is only one single winner in any contest. You don't get a ribbon for participating like the kids do in school when you are electing a president. Only one person can win. Face it- George Bush won the election in 2000 and was re-elected in 2004. Every one of you crying sissies had the opportunity to win the election fair and square. Maybe you don't understand this concept. Each American citizen has the right to vote as long as he does not have a felony record. If you are a citizen, you get to vote. If you couldn't convince a greater number of people that your candidates were the right choice, then you couldn't win the election. Stop bitching, lick your wounds, and wait until 2008 and try again.

I beleive that the Democrats are incapable of doing this. They are like the little fat kid in the playground who is the bully. He can't get anybody to like him for some reason. The reason is that the kid is a whining, mean, hateful bastard who hasn't got a nice thing to say to anybody. So he figures the only way he is going to get someone to like him instead of the other kid is to say mean and hateful things about that other kid. You know, exactly like you are all doing with President Bush. Maybe if he can make the other kid look bad enough, then people will see some good in him. At least just enough good to get them to hate the other kid and like him. You are all that little fat bully. You base your entire parties' politics not on what good you will do or what good people you are, but instead you lie about the other partie's guy until you have half of the population hating him. I asked a girl who had written a very rude and unfavorable blog in which she stated a few of the democrat party lines exactly why she hated Bush. Her reply was simply, "Because." That's the best she could do. I asked her if she was saying that because that is what the newspapers and TV said she should say or if it was because that was her true stand on things. She was unable to respond. She didn't know why she was supposed to hate Bush. She only knew that she had heard it said enough times that it must be the right thing to say and to believe. When I challenged her to come up with three reasons of her own why she hated Mr. Bush, and specified that she couldn't use any generalizations such as , "Because of Iraq", unless she had specicifics to cite about Iraq, she totally froze. She didn't have a clue why she hated the president. I told her to look up the word lemming in the wikipedia and ended the conversation.

As I went further down the page of the website that should have been filled with genuine remembrances of the people who died in the World trade Centers, Pentagon, and Flight 93 all I could see was entry after entry filled with hate. No real true feelings of pity or remorse for the families and loved ones of those killed during that day, just vitriolic hate for the president, Republicans, the Congress, and of course anyone who doesn't see things the way the Democrat Party says they should see them. I read about how I as a Republican refused to heed Clinton's warnings to me about Bin Laden. Well he never called me to tell me heed those warnings. I was led to believe that there were warnings and I do acknowledge them, but then I wonder why if Mr. Clinton was aware of a problem long before 9-11, heck Mr. Bush was inaugurated in January of 2001, 8 months before this awful day, why didn't he take care of things before Mr. Bush was even elected. Nobody mentions that. Then along comes an act of God in New Orleans where Hurrican Katrina blows a mighty and deadly wind and I have to take the blame for that along with my other fellow Republicans. We didn't do anything to cause the storm. We're just that other kid that the fat bully is trying to make look bad. He and his Democrat buddies will make so much noise about how we didn't do enough for those poor people down there and that we all hate htem anyway because Republicans are all rich white people who hate black folk. Damn. When they resort to this kind of political rhetoric, the leftists have become the very same people they were fighting against in the '60s and '70's. What's wrong with this picture?

Do you have a mind of your own? If you answer yes, then take one step backward and away from the political hype. If you can do it I can do it. If we all step back tit for tat then maybe we can get back to where we belong. When I say something about America I will be talking about Democrat/Republican America. One nation under God, (get this one folks) INDIVISIBLE) (go look it up). It won't be you saying you hate me and telling me why it's all my fault that people died in New York and New Orleans, but instead you saying WE as Americans did this or that together, and together we made something great happen. If my party's guy wins the election you say, "Great,what can we do to help?" If your guy wins the elcetion we say, "Congratulations, let's work together on making this program or that really work." You see, WE are the American People. If we all stick together and support each other in every endeavor, then these great United States continue to thrive as the land of the free and th ehome of the brave. But if we pull so far away and separate on every issue, we will grow apart fro each other and will suffer as a nation. We become a house divided. We can no longer be a single stong arm, but instead become two weakened smaller arms unable to defend our vast country whikle we spread apart to watch over our own individualinterests. As a nation we are doomed to civil war for if we can't get along as one, we'll fall apart and become two.

If what those people did pass for remembrances, then I see bad times coming for our nation. It's time to drop the pettiness and hatefulness that is being tossed about under the guise of "media" and "News" and use our heads. If we make our own selves weak and split our numbers due to political bickering, then we will open a back door to tyranny and terrroism that will be unchecked. We'll all be too busy trading quips and nastyiness. HATE HAS GOT TO GO. LIES HAVE TO GO. SEPARATION IS JUST LIKE RACISM AND IT'S GOT TO GO. NAME CALLING IS PETTY AND JUVENILE AND HAS TO GO. AND FINALLY THIS NANNY NANNY BOO BOO ATTITUDE THAT MY PARTY CAN BEAT UP YOUR PARTY HAS TO GO. FOLKS WE ARE AT WAR HERE AND IT CAN NOT BE TAKEN SO LIGHTLY. THE WAR DOESN'T GO AWAY JUST BECAUSE YOU DECIDE YOU DON'T LIKE IT ANYMORE. IT ENDS WHEN ONE SIDE CONVINCES THE OTHER SIDE THAT THEY AREN'T GOING TO STAND FOR UNMERRITTED BEATINGS TO TAKE PLACE ANY MORE AND THE OTHER SIDE AGREES THAT THEY WON'T BE GIVING THOSE BEATINGS ANYMORE. WE CAN NO MORE JUST TELL THEM TO STOP THAN THEY CAN TELL US TO LEAVE. WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER TO FIX THIS.