I couldn’t believe my ears. This woman was blaming George Bush for all of these problems that would have very simply never even happened if she just kept her pants on. She said she and her husband had a little alone time and since it happened so quickly she just didn’t have time to think about these things. Of course that makes it the president’s fault. When a person isn’t able to think quickly, there must be some sort of a protection clause in the constitution that makes all of your problems the fault of the current president. This woman was dead serious, and felt she had a right to complain publicly about her plight. One of the larger news services even provided her with an online forum to discuss her awful story.
Much to the surprise of this bitter woman, many if not most of the respondents were telling her she could have simply gone to Planned Parenthood to get everything she needed to solve her problem in any of the stages of her panic. What she was blaming the president for not providing for her was readily available to her right in her own neighborhood. There never was any reason for her to panic or blame anyone other than herself. Of course the president had nothing to do with any of this mess. It was the simple mind of this woman that caused all of her problems. If any thoughtful person took one minute to think through each step of this nonsense, they would see that each step had a simple solution. So why was this even a news story in the first place?
If you look at any newspaper, news program on TV, or any online news service, you will see that basically everything that is happening in the world today is somehow George W. Bush’s fault. What’s even sadder is that so many people are taking this seriously. I can see where some folks might want to blame the current administration when any political issue that relates to them goes wrong. They probably feel that if their guy had been elected instead that this thing would never had happened. This seems to go along with most political arguments, but forgetting to use proper birth control methods, doing poorly in school, not finding the highest paying job when you are looking for employment, a neighbor painting their house bright pink, and problems that go on ad nauseum somehow being the fault of the current administration or heaven forbid one single man – it’s ridiculous. But this is where our nation and perhaps the entire world stands right now. Everybody is blaming George W. Bush for everything.
There is a very simple explanation for this phenomenon. President Bush is a Republican. The Democrat Party wants to be in the Whitehouse in 2008. There is an old quote that says, “If you can’t say something good about yourself to get people on your side, then say something bad about the other guy”. Say something bad enough about someone often enough, and then even if it isn’t true you’ll convince enough people to believe it is true. President Thomas Jefferson said basically the same thing over 200 years ago. He said something like, “There is nothing so ridiculous, that if repeated often enough, does not begin to sound like the truth”. This is exactly what is happening. The push is to make everything sound as if though the president and his administration are directly responsible for every single thing in this world that is going wrong. The popularity numbers of the president back that all up right now. People are actually falling for this nonsense and are blaming Mr. Bush for whatever is going wrong in their life. This woman’s pregnancy issue is a sad testimony as to how far this thing has gone.
Allow me to remind everyone that both the Congress and the Senate need to vote on just about everything that happens as a result of a government. The president does not have an absolute power in this country and certainly not in the entire world. He does represent an entire mighty nation, but the way many of you people are beginning to think, it’s a shame that you represent the people of that nation. We vote to elect our government. We have the choice to retain those officials at each election. Will we continue to blame one person for all of our woes from now on? I sure hope not. Maybe the Democrats will succeed in this next election and get the Republicans out of the Whitehouse, but will we still be a nation of proud Americans or have we become a nation of people who know little more than blame and hate?
Start thinking for yourselves. Quit blaming someone else for the results of your actions. If you get pregnant, waste too many days to act in time for a magic birth control pill, and then panic and can’t find an abortion doctor, take a breath and work it out. George W. Bush didn’t have anything to do with it honey.