Sunday, December 04, 2005


Democrats seem to fall for anything the news media puts out. Without a single brain cell ever questioning the dribble that is pouring out of the television, they will line up like lemmings behind the other stupid democrats. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, all of the other kids are doing it so why can't I? Hey I have a good idea. Let's all protest any war that happens. We'll be just like those old hippies in the 60's & 70's and we'll be cool! No you won't. You won't be able to debate anyone on the reason the war is right or wrong unless it pours out of your television and into your ear.

I remember hearing one woman yelling at a bunch of Christians who were preaching on the street corner downtown one day. She said that they needed to be able to keep their minds open a little more so they won't lock up their minds from good ideas. One person in the group turned around and said back that she needed to maybe not let her mind be too open because it was obvious that her brain was sliding out and impairing her ability to think for herself. This is so true right now. It's as if though people think, "If it's on the TV it must be true". But ask one of these geniouses exactly why it is they don't support our troops in Iraq their answer will go something like, "Well, um. ahhhh, well, I heard it on TV and it sounded pretty - ah - good." Then that person will walk away thinking she has performed a great service to the cause. Damn!

The push of the Democrats right now is to do whatever it takes to make George Bush the most hated man in the world. Why? Because they want to win the election in 2008 so bad, that they are willing to bring about a surrender in Iraq, demean and degrade our troops, attack President Bush at every angle to make him look like he's doing a bad job, and basically say to our enemies, come on over and we'll do whatever we can to help you take this country apart. After all if we can get Bush out of here we could win the presidency and work hand in hand with our enemy brothers.

I don't hate democrats. I love my country. I don't want to be thought of as a loser if you get your way and make enough people believe we should walk away from Iraq. I'm ashamed to say I live in the times when the people of the USA don't all stand behind the president. Imagine the turnout of WWII if people acted like Democrats are acting right now. We'd all be speaking German. In WWII people saved their metal, glass, rubber, oil, and anything else this great nation needed for the war effort. Now all you people want to do is throw the glass bottles, burn the oil, make grade school kids wear rubbers, and pin medals on your chests for saving the world by making everybody equal. They used to call that socialism. I'm sick that we are no longer a strong and proud nation. We are two nations. Half of us remain proud and try to be strong while the other half tries to tear our nation apart and tries to make people who feel proud feel guilty about it. There has never been a generation of people in this country that didn't fully stand behind their president. Sure there were times when they hated the politics, but the president was always looked upon as a respected man. Now you seem to think it is your main job to trash President Bush at any cost. What do you think you will get out of it? Do you think the bad guys will simply go away if a Democrat gets into the Whitehouse? That is the stupid I was talking about. They are happy that you are trying to tear this country down from within. It only makes it easier for them to come in and finish the job you seditious anti-americans are doing. There was a time when you could have been shot and killed for doing what you are doing in the name of politics right now. If I was George Bush I'd bring you all up on such charges and if you really wanted to live somewhere else, I'd buy you the ticket. But you could never come back when you found out how bad things are in the rest of this screwed up world. You have a good thing right now, but if you keep trying to tear this country apart, those of us who don't want that done will be all too happy to get rid of you. We can vote and then you'll cry because it didn't go your way and you'll say we cheated --- or we can just truck you down to the border and kick your anti-american asses out.

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